Sunday 2 October 2011

Your time - My time. Brighton pier?

Who would believe I was the other side of the world with this pic...... Brighton pier eat your heart out!

Am super impressed that you made a pair of curtains! Can't wait to see a pic of them hanging up! Oh I am really jealous you went to the London Design Festival - I love it! Did you go to Tent? Yes next year I am there, and we will make sure we go on the right day this year! hehe

Location. India, Ooty
Time. 2.00pm


  1. Love love love this blog you two are doing!! It's so sweet and so lovely to see the different things you're both up to!

    Charlie, I need those knobs! I've been on the hunts for a load of them to put on our wardrobes and draws I'm hoping to do up! If you ladies see any around let me know won't you! ... Probably need to be a little closer to home than India if I'm going to get any but hey! They are gorgeous - good find chick! xxx

  2. hehe..glad you like it. I just found out that I actually paid well above what I should have for the knobs so not so much of a bargain after all! Loads of shops in Brighton sell them - they are about 4 pounds each, i think. x
